Tag Archives: fantasy novel

I am finishing up a new novel!

I am finishing up a new novel! It is from an idea I first dreamed up twenty five years ago… good things (I hope) come to those who wait, and wait and wait!
BACK COVER: “Eva has beauty she plays down, to avoid attention. But it doesn’t work. People are invariably drawn to her. She has a magnetic quality, a calm, a power she is unaware she has. She wants to be left alone to look after animals; they are her first love.
Another love is on the horizon, though. Along with life-changing discoveries. She discovers a father she doesn’t know, a new family she doesn’t trust, and that someone wants to kill her.
She discovers she possesses a powerful ability that others do not have. Is it a gift? Or a curse?”
This is a rough cover, just to inspire me as I wrote. And not even sure of the title yet. Remains to be seen.
I will post the first couple of chapters soon!

The Ravenstone Part 2 is published! “The Twain”

The Ravenstone Part 2: The Twain is published! 

The Ravenstone Part 2: The Twain, by Diane Solomon and Mark Carey

The eBook is 99c on promotion for the next two weeks. 

AMAZON TO PURCHASE: https://www.amazon.com/Ravenstone-Twain-Diane-Solomon-ebook/dp/B08CG7MV4F

Middle school/Young adult fantasy novel series about 13-yer-old time-travelling twins

A little about the book:

In the much anticipated sequel to The Ravenstone: The Secret of Ninham Mountain, Aidan and Nadia experience a terrifyingly real vision of a massive earthquake which threatens their mother’s life. The mission to save her grows in scope as they investigate, and their subsequent trips across time and space force them to face unimaginable dangers. They must rely on their growing skills plus all the powerful magic of the Ravenstone in their urgent need to stop the disaster facing the earth. Will they succeed? And at what cost?

REVIEW: “Solomon and Carey’s imaginative storytelling sweeps you into a fascinating tale of mystery and adventure. Young twins Nadia and Aidan stumble upon an ancient power that could help their family in the future, or trap them in the past forever. Highly recommended!”   ~ Linda Zimmermann, successful author of 30 books about the paranormal and mysterious stone sites.