Tag Archives: contemporary romance

Writing style: “elegantly uncomplicated”


In a beautiful review for “Eva” the reviewer stated that my writing was “elegantly uncomplicated.” I was thrilled. That is a high compliment, in my view.
I took an oath, to myself, after college creative writing classes. I vowed: Simple. Just say it. Go for Hemingway-esque with passion and suspense. Don’t use two words when one will do. Get out of yourself, Diane and just tell the story.
Years later, when I edited the thesis for my homeopathic degree, I realized I had been showing off my Writing, with a big ole’ capital W… So I edited to rub off its intellectual rough edges. To make it easily comprehensible.


And with fiction, I don’t want anyone yanked out of the story because they’ve noticed my writing. I want them lost in it, for them to forget they are reading a book. To me, that is the ultimate goal. I don’t read ( and certainly don’t write) literary fiction. It is too often self-involved. Self aware. It feels as if the author was sunk into her writing experience, forgetting the reading experience. (Perhaps we are looking at the difference between art and performance, but I think that’s another blog!)
I am a storyteller, a performer, and a communicator, and that can’t be filled up with obtuse, often unintelligible words or sentences. If someone reads a long sentence and has to go back and read it again to understand the message, in my view the author has failed. I need no one to think I am erudite and intellectual. I want them to be moved by the story.
AI hasn’t learned it yet. It is clever, too clever, with every adjective and enthusiastic turn of phrase. And it’s repetitive. Everything I read from AI needs a good editor. When AI gets more astute and evolved, watch out. But I bet it will never move you like a human author can. An author who shares a story with the river of emotion running through her blood. That you can feel when you read her words. There’s nothing like that for me.

What do you think?

Another wonderful editorial review for my novel, “Eva,” from Literary Titan!

I am so thrilled; another incredible review from a respected editorial review site, Literary Titan Reviews. 

EXCERPT:  “This novel is a must-read treasure for those seeking a narrative enriched with emotion, intrigue, and a sprinkle of the otherworldly.”

 “A standout feature of this book is its expert weaving of romance, suspense, and a touch of the supernatural.”

The depth and intricacy of character development is a highlight. Eva, both grounded and emotionally delicate, is portrayed with finesse.”  


“In the enthralling pages of this novel, we are introduced to Eva McGrath, a passionate 26-year-old with a unique aspiration: to delve deeply into the realm of animal care as a veterinary technician. To Eva, animals offer steadfast companionship in a life marked by unpredictable trials, most notably the profound losses of her mother and, later, her cherished aunt. Her refuge throughout these trials is her loyal dog, Cookie.

The novel beautifully captures Eva’s deep connection with animals, especially those on the brink of health crises. There’s a captivating essence to the moments she shares with them at the shelter and the veterinary hospital. Remarkably, animals teetering on the edge of life exhibit inexplicable recoveries after her visits. This pattern doesn’t go unnoticed by Dr. Michael Lowery of the Wood Lane Animal Hospital, leading to intriguing speculations: might Eva harbor an undiscovered healing gift?

The depth and intricacy of character development is a highlight. Eva, both grounded and emotionally delicate, is portrayed with finesse. Her hesitations to establish relationships, shaped by her history of loss, resonate deeply. The evolving relationship between Eva and the astute, empathetic Dr. Michael Lowery adds layers to the narrative. Their dynamic beautifully contrasts Eva’s instinctual guard over her emotions and Michael’s earnest quest to unravel the mystery of her possible gift.

A standout feature of this book is its expert weaving of romance, suspense, and a touch of the supernatural. Through the story, readers are prompted to reflect on themes of self-belief and the enigmatic. The author’s excellent storytelling ensures the book concludes satisfyingly yet leaves readers eagerly anticipating more. It hints at the onset of a riveting series that charts Eva’s explorations with her emergent talents.

This novel is a must-read treasure for those seeking a narrative enriched with emotion, intrigue, and a sprinkle of the otherworldly.”


I couldn’t be more thrilled that this reviewer got what I was saying so completely. Just thrilled. 



Superb editorial review for my novel, “Eva,” from Feathered Quill!

Eva, a riveting suspense, receives superb Feathered Quill review! READ HERE

I am thrilled!

My thanks to Lily Andrews, of Feathered Quill.

I am so delighted she enjoyed the book.

Here are snippets. To read the whole review, click here: Feathered Quill Eva Review

“A gorgeous tribute to the newest genre of magical realism, Diane Solomon’s novel Eva wears its influences on its sleeve as it sublimely melds intriguing suspense, supernatural elements, and romance.”

“Diane Solomon has written a resplendent delight for the heart and soul. Written in taut, evocative prose, this novel conjures up the literal specter of false accusations and their possible effects, what it means to be different and unique, the common human longing for honest connections, and what it takes to protect special skills. The text further explores the distinctness and sameness of people and animals through the protagonist’s inexplicable relationship with the animal world. Solomon writes like a tightrope artist, keeping the tale’s balance in place. She beautifully recreates the time and space allowing readers to experience Pine Hill in the state of Connecticut along with the Rhode Island Coast straight from their living room through her apt descriptions.

With a touch so sure, the exuberance of the author shines in the many trenchant lines that are marvelously quotable and suitable as excellent takeaways. The simmering romance between Michael and Eva is not rushed and ample time is given in the narrative for it to grow right before readers’ eyes. The touch of mysticism displayed by Eva’s ability manages to explore the boundaries between the real world and the imaginary, ultimately enticing one to embrace the enigmatic by incorporating it into a realist framework of real people and places.”

Read the entire review


Another author interview question

Another Author Interview Question

Here is another question I recently answered while promoting my new novel, “Eva; a riveting romantic suspense with a supernatural twist.” 


When you write a novel, are you a plotter? Or are you a seat of your pants writer?

I am definitely a plotter. I lay it all out in advance. First, I tend to brainstorm with my wonderful husband Mark Carey, and he’s a brilliant thinker and writer. Then as I’m getting down into the details, I scribble down the jist of each scene on a postcard, and then pin the cards up on a large corkboard. Then I can move the scenes around as needed to get the structure and pacing right. I spend a long time on character development, even down to drawing the family tree, deciding each character’s backstory, their likes and dislikes, what their tragedies were, etc. How they became who they are.

But then the real fun starts! When I write the first draft, I just let go of everything; I try not to edit myself in the first draft. And as I’m sinking more and more into each character, I find they take over my fingers on the keyboard or my voice as I’m speaking into the mic for voice recognition.

This is the part I love the most; they write the book to a great extent! If I’m deeply involved with the character, it is similar to acting (my first career was as a singer and actor in the UK). As I begin a scene, I know what is going to happen, in general, and what I need to achieve in that scene. But what the characters actually say, and the things they do is a continual surprise. It can be delightful! Sometimes I find I pull sharply out of the moment when something unexpected occurs. I read what I wrote and say out loud, “Oh that’s cool!” How to explain this? I get the distinct feeling that I’ve opened up a channel to some creative source out there in the universe. As if there is an ocean of creativity we can all access.

I hope I answered the question. I’m a plotter, but I let it rip and let it flow in the first draft. It is enormous fun!



a 5-star review from Readers Favorites!

I am jazzed. I just got an editorial review from Readers Favorite, giving Eva five stars. Woo-hoo!



 “Eva is an enthralling and well-crafted novel that seamlessly weaves together a captivating blend of supernatural, romantic suspense, and family drama elements.”  by Demetria Head for Readers’ Favorite 


“Eva by Diane Solomon sets the stage for an intriguing journey of self-discovery and uncovering hidden family secrets. The narrative opens with Eva, a young woman who stumbles upon a long-lost letter from her late Aunt Sophie, revealing her father’s existence, William Hastings III. This unexpected revelation sparks a series of emotions and questions, prompting Eva to seek out her father and uncover the truth about her family’s past. Set in Pine Hill, near Stonington, Connecticut, Eva navigates through her emotions and the complexities of her newfound identity while also receiving support from her best friend, Jamie. As the story progresses, readers are drawn into a world of potential romance between Eva and Dr. Michael Lowery, the compassionate veterinarian. But the question is, can Eva live with her new identity without compromising her safety?

Throughout Eva, the characters are vividly portrayed, and supernatural elements are skillfully woven into the plot, providing an additional layer of intrigue. Eva’s connection with animals, particularly her ability to communicate with them on an emotional level, adds a mystical aspect to the story that sets it apart from typical romantic suspense novels. The pacing is well-balanced, with Diane Solomon gradually revealing the story’s secrets while maintaining the reader’s engagement. Each chapter ends with a compelling cliffhanger, making it difficult to put the book down. Overall, Eva is an enthralling and well-crafted novel that seamlessly weaves together a captivating blend of supernatural, romantic suspense, and family drama elements.”


My thanks to Demetria for a lovely review!