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Why do so few men read books written by women?

Women read male authors, but few men read female authors. Can you believe this, in 2023?

Research shows that for women authors, only about 19% of their readers are men and 81% are women. But for male authors? 55% are men and 45% are women. 

This may help to explain why so many women authors use initials instead of their given names, so their gender is not immediately revealed. Sadly.

This might simply be a perception problem. It turns out that once men have read a book by a woman, they tend to like it as well or better than a book by a man. In Goodreads, the average rating men give to books by a woman is 3.9 out of 5; for books by men, it’s 3.8.

But men just don’t PICK UP a book by a woman as often.

Is it just a perception problem? “That’s a chick’s book,” I can hear a guy say with a degree of derision. There is certainly that piece. But perhaps there is a real, natural divide, that we can’t get away from. Men don’t want to watch “chick flicks” and they don’t want to read a “chick’s book.” Because it’s about love, family, relationships, and about communicating deeply and sharing emotions. That’s not really their thing. (For most men, anyway.) Just as I don’t particularly want to watch macho, testosterone adventures, at least not all the time! And as for gratuitous violence, I can truly do without it. So maybe there’s a natural division.

Comments? I’d love to know what you think.

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The Guardian published a very good article about this very conundrum, and it covers the research data:

GUARDIAN ARTICLE: Why do so few men read books by women?

By MA Sieghart  (a woman)

“No matter if it is Austen or Atwood, the Brontës or Booker winners, data shows men are reluctant to read women – and this has real world implications.”


ALSO, the Literary Gender Gap: another recent article:   

Why Are So Many Men Still Resistant to Reading Women?

“Maybe the men assumed that novels by women weren’t as good, but how could they tell if they weren’t even reading them?”



What book did you fall in love with as a child?

Do you remember the first book you passionately loved? I sure do. It was “101 Dalmatians” by the wonderful Dodie Smith, that I first read when I was about seven or eight. My dad was a librarian, and he brought it home for me. I fell so in love with it that I wouldn’t give it back! He kept telling me it had to be returned, that I couldn’t keep it. So I started copying it. No, not with a copy machine, but by hand!! I was determined to write out every single page of that book so that I had it forever.

And so it began. I raced home from school every day and sat scrunched over my little desk, writing out the book, word for word. I got to page forty-five, before my dad found a way to take pity on me. He told his boss at the library what his little daughter was doing, and she finally gifted me the copy.

The pictures are of the original book, published in 1957, which I’ve had more than fifty years. It’s been moved around the planet about twenty times in countless moves: from Alberta to California, to Oregon, to England, to Pennsylvania, to Colorado and Connecticut. To New Hampshire. It’s lost his spine, and it’s a bit worse for wear. But I still read it. And still love it.

Dodie Smith, what a great writer.

Leave me a comment about your favorite childhood book – I’d love to know! A friend from high school came on to Facebook to respond on my post, saying her mad fav was “The Witch of Blackbird Pond,” so now I have to go read that! I still love kids’ books…


New novel… 1st draft, 2nd draft, 3rd draft!

Regarding my new novel, “Eva,” I am in editing mode, and watching it get better and better and better. It would be pretty awful if it didn’t!  Sometimes you can edit yourself into a standstill, a land of second-guessing and insecurity. I am trying not to do that!

Here is the rough back cover BLURB:

“Eva has beauty she plays down, to avoid attention. But it doesn’t work. People are invariably drawn to her. She has a magnetic quality, a calm, a power she is unaware she has. She wants to be left alone to look after animals; they are her first love.

Another love is on the horizon, though. Along with life-changing discoveries. She discovers a father she doesn’t know, a new family she doesn’t trust, and that someone wants to kill her.
She discovers the most shocking and inspiring discovery of all:  She possesses a powerful gift that others do not have. But is it a gift? Or a curse?”
*       *       *
This is a rough cover, just to inspire me as I wrote. And not even sure of the title yet. Remains to be seen.
I will post the first couple of chapters soon!


I am finishing up a new novel!

I am finishing up a new novel! It is from an idea I first dreamed up twenty five years ago… good things (I hope) come to those who wait, and wait and wait!
BACK COVER: “Eva has beauty she plays down, to avoid attention. But it doesn’t work. People are invariably drawn to her. She has a magnetic quality, a calm, a power she is unaware she has. She wants to be left alone to look after animals; they are her first love.
Another love is on the horizon, though. Along with life-changing discoveries. She discovers a father she doesn’t know, a new family she doesn’t trust, and that someone wants to kill her.
She discovers she possesses a powerful ability that others do not have. Is it a gift? Or a curse?”
This is a rough cover, just to inspire me as I wrote. And not even sure of the title yet. Remains to be seen.
I will post the first couple of chapters soon!

Diane’s new series of health eBooks!

Do you struggle with spring allergies? NOW is the time to desensitize them with homeopathic remedies.

Reduce your sensitivity now, so that when the spring comes you won’t react as badly, or at all.-

My second eBook is published! This second book in the series, “Healing Therapies that Work,” is The Homeopathic Treatment of Allergies.” The first is “The Homeopathic Treatment of Ear Infections.” 

◆ (NOTE: Each book in the series stands alone.) ◆

The homeopathic treatment of ear infections







The Homeopathic Treatment of Ear Infections  $2.99









The Homeopathic Treatment of Allergies $2.99

The first half of each book covers the homeopathic treatment of various health issues: The first book is Ear Infections, the second is Allergies.  This is presented, in detail, with step-by-step instructions.

The second half of the books is all about homeopathy: its history, how it works, and the research available. For those new to homeopathy, this is essential; many people don’t even know what homeopathy is. Furthermore, homeopathy works in a completely different manner to orthodox medicine. One takes remedies, then stops. The body does the work, calling up the “Doctor Within.”

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Diane, now retired from practice, has no horse in the race, and no axe to grind, in writing this series and makes no money from sales of remedies, anywhere, at any time. She has been focused on writing from her clinical experience, to try to pass on wonderful therapies she learned and employed. For many years she worked with a broad range of clients and areas of practice. Ear infections, allergies, arthritis, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, menopausal issues for women, eczema, and many other issues.

She received her Nutrition degree from The Institute for Optimum Nutrition in London in the late 80s, then earned the advanced degree in Homeopathy from the British Institute of Homeopathy, also in London. She studied homeopathy in great part because it was thanks to a homeopathic remedy that she recovered from seven dreadful years of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. When practicing, she loved volunteering at health food stores on Saturdays, where she talked with people wandering the aisles looking, sometimes desperately, for something to help with their allergy symptoms. She carried a folder of handouts and in that was the valuable instruction sheet for allergies. That information is this book.


The Homeopathic Treatment of Ear Infections  $2.99


   The Homeopathic Treatment of Allergies $2.99