Category Archives: Book Reviews

I’m thrilled at the reviews for “Eva”

Wonderful Amazon reviews for my new novel, “Eva”

“Eva: a riveting romantic suspense with a supernatural twist” 

Eva: a riveting romantic suspense with a supernatural twist

5.0 out of 5 stars This is a great book!!!

Reviewed in the United States on July 15, 2023

The book, “Eva” is a spectacular book. It is an especially fun read for summer days or in front of the fireplace in the winter. It is well written, inviting and engaging. This is one of those special books that keep you turning pages to find out what happens next whether it is to delve into the mystical connection with animals or humans or the relationship with a true “soul mate”. The journey into the realm of connectedness with the beyond, family and animals is mesmerizing. I LOVED this book and I should add that I consider myself a very discerning reader! For me, it was reminiscent of books such as “Woman on the Edge of Time” and “Mists of Avalon”. These books also present women who are strong, intelligent, and powerful. Thank you, Diane Solomon, for producing something that provides a beautiful escape and leaves you filled with inexplicable joy for a variety of reasons.


Reviewed in the United States on July 15, 2023

I enjoyed reading Eva so much!! Her magical powers for healing animals was such a clever concept for a storyline. I love animals so to discover she had this power warmed my heart and I kept hoping it would help humans. So many things kept me interested and with the story being about a romance with the vet and Eva (when she finally lets down her guard) finally get together just wrapped everything up perfectly!! I would recommend Eva to anyone who likes something fun and loves animals to read this book. It’s a GREAT book for a summer read.

Reviewed in the United States on July 15, 2023

This is such a beautiful, heartfelt, uplifting story! It grabs you by the heart and doesn’t let go! As you arrive in Eva’s life, she is just finding out that she has life changing abilities. She is loving and true to herself in the best of ways! Once you start reading this story and the wonderful world of Eva, you can’t stop! The ending left me barely able to breathe and just full of awe. Beautiful book!!

Great review for Eva! “Eva gave me chills.”


Great review for “Eva!” a riveting romantic suspense with a supernatural twist.

So thrilled at one of the first reviews coming in for my romantic suspense novel, Eva! Many thanks to Cindy White.

“Connection isn’t that what we are all searching for? Connection to family, to a lover, to animals, to nature. I love to read. Reading is one of my passions but I don’t often read a book that gives me actual chills. Eva gave me chills. Eva’s connection to animals and nature is foremost in her psyche, she has always wanted to help animals by being a veterinarian. Eva is calmed and centered by her connection to the ocean. Her mother planned to become a marine biologist and instilled in her a love for nature and animals. Tragically, her mother was taken from Eva when she was very young, raised by her great aunt, she has protected herself emotionally by letting few people into her life.

The writer speaks eloquently of grief, the memory of the emotion of grief and how that emotion can lead to the feeling of not belonging anywhere. Eva’s work at an animal shelter leads to an amazing discovery about herself and her abilities. The love of a good man, friends, newly discovered family and her amazing ability to connect help her to find herself and new confidence in her future. A truly wonderful book!”


Goodreads Giveaway! Win “Eva,” Diane’s new novel

Enter the Goodreads Giveaway to win Diane’s new novel, “Eva”


Release date: Jul 15, 2023
100 ebooks will be won of Diane’s new romantic suspense novel, “Eva.” A love story with a supernatural twist…
A novel full of heart, suspense, romance, and inspiration. For readers who love thoughtful women’s fiction from Barbara Delinsky, Kristin Hannah, or Patti Callahan Henry, or authors of magical realism such as Sarah Addison Allen, Menna van Praag, or Emily Colin.


Eva possesses a unique and powerful gift. But is it a curse?

Best-Selling Author Review: “I was captivated by Eva’s story and riveted to the end. Diane is a beautiful writer who has captured the essence of Eva’s unearthing of her true self. A story that is timeless. Bravo!” FROM: Laurie Seymour, M.A., twice #1 international best-selling author, host of Wisdom Talk Radio, Exec Coach, Founder/CEO of The Baca Institute.

Beta Reader review: “This book grabs you by the heart and doesn’t let go!”

~ For readers who enjoy Sarah Addison Allen, Emily Colin, Barbara Delinsky, or Kristin Hannah.


#romanticsuspense #bookgiveaweay #magicalrealism #healingtouch# healinghands #energyhealing #Goodreads #DianeSolomon #paranormalnovel #women’sfiction

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: another sufferer recovers

Do you have CFS? Or know someone who does? I keep reading (ad nauseum) that there is no cure, but I beg to disagree. There is a way to get better.  I was fortunate to be able to help many people in all my years of practicing as a homeopath and nutritionist, and now I find that those reading my book on Chronic Fatigue Syndrome are finding their way back to good health as well. Even though I am now retired from practice, this warms my heart more than I can say.

I discovered a great review on Amazon yesterday, from a woman who has been struggling with CFS for many years. She has been  diagnosed with high titers of the Epstein Barr virus. It was especially bad over the last two years. She followed my protocol and six weeks later is feeling remarkably better.  

Her review says it all. So awesome…

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: a guide to the homeopathic treatment of CFS/M.E. 

5.0 out of 5 stars If you have chronic fatigue or chronic Epstein-Barr virus, do yourself a favor and read this book.

Not only does Diane Solomon write with clarity but she is also a gifted homeopath. From my decades of experience with homeopathy as a lay homeopath and having consulted many well-trained homeopaths, I have learned that in order to be a good prescriber one needs to be able to understand the unique characteristics of each remedy. Homeopathy is a blend of art and science. Having had chronic Epstein-Barr Virus for many years and having had it raise it’s ugly head more than a year ago causing immense fatigue, fevers, weakness, cascading chills, fainting spells, weight loss, etc. etc. I am finally seeing the light at the end of tunnel. After following Diane’s protocol, I’ve made great strides and am keeping my fingers crossed that after many misdiagnoses and failed attempts by both Western and Eastern healthcare providers, that I now am on the road to good health.


I am so grateful she took the time to write the review. And so glad I could help.

Top 1% Reviewer on Goodreads give The Twain 5 stars!

Top 1% Goodreads reviewer gives a wonderful 5-star review of “The Ravenstone: The Twain,” (part 2 of our Ravenstone series).

REVIEW: “Younger readers, this one’s for you! (But don’t be surprised if the rest of the family wants to read it, too!)

Diane Solomon and Mark Carey have teamed up to pen another middlegrade fantasy that will rocket readers into the world of time travel, evil villains and a desperate attempt by twins Aidan and Nadia to keep their mother safe. Armed with a magical stone and their own special powers, these two young heroes must depend on each other through danger, adventure and slipping in and out of different eras, all while not changing the future a little too much, all while risking being trapped in the past with no way to get home.

THE RAVENSTONE: PART 2: THE TWAIN is written for younger readers to enjoy, understand and relate to, because, really, just how cool would it be to travel through time? Fuel for the imagination created in a rapid-fire pace without getting bogged down in too many details, positive role models, dilemmas to solve and even some socially conscious topics to wrestle with, delightful reading for the entire family to share and discuss!

I received a complimentary copy from Diane Solomon! This is my honest and voluntary review.”

Many thanks to lovely Dianne Bylo!

Dianne’s website/blog:

Dianne’s Facebook page:

The Ravenstone: The Twain is available from Amazon, promotional price of 99c for the eBook!    AMAZON LINK