Tag Archives: Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Author Interview on Chat About Books!

Chat About Books:
Author Interview with Diane Solomon and Mark Carey
Diane Solomon Chat About Books interview


Can you share your writing process with us, in a nutshell?

Diane & Mark: For the pure logistics, we are outliners. We use a large board, into which we stick pushpins to hold up postcard-sized cards with scenes, sections, or individual pieces of the story (or sections if non-fiction). Then we can physically see the jigsaw puzzle and move things around until they feel right.

Character is vital: We spend a long time on character development, and each day before either of us writes, at least at the beginning, we tend to read through all the notes and reacquaint ourselves with the character.

Diane: Yes, if I am beginning to live and breathe the character – if I am in the protagonist’s head, and she is in mine – she will write her own actions and words.

But, I want to bring up something else, something required for the writing process for me. It’s hard to define, but essential. My writing seems to stem from what my husband calls my “extreme heart.” My writing process only works well if heart is involved….


Raventsone Homeschooling Book Cover

Check out Diane and Mark’s new middle grade novel  


Diane Solomon’s Author interview on BookGoodies

bookgoodies Diane Solomon interview


What inspires you to write?
The joy of creativity, of being creative, drives me. It always has! As a singer/songwriter, I learned to trust the creative process and dive deeply into it. You have to dare to be criticized, dare to be silly, to be crazy, to be wild. There are moments during writing where you forget yourself entirely. You lose track of time. The writing seems to have taken over. Sometimes you look down and are surprised by what you read, as if you didn’t, in fact, write it! I can only describe this experience as somehow verging on transcendent, in that it feels beyond the limits of experience, or independent of this world. It is exciting, inspiring, and rewarding.

As for ideas for books, they stem from my life (and I have had a very strange but interesting life), and from my imagination. And from the “What if?” game!


Amazon #1 Bestseller in Homeopathy!

Oh my! As of today’s date, Nov 20, my book, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome; a guide to the homeopathic treatment of CFS, is the #1 BESTSELLER in homeopathy on Amazon!

#1 Bestseller. OK…. I am speechless, and thrilled.  So amazing! Check out the screenshot…

amazon best seller homeopathy FINAL Nov 20 2015

Thanks to you all of you who bought it. I do hope this info helps CFS sufferers to find their answer.